Diagnostic Services

at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM)

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Clinical Diagnostic Services at Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, University of Maryland Medical System 

The Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory at the University of Maryland Medical System offers molecular diagnostic testing in  all area of molecular pathology including infectious diseases, genetic disorders, cardiovascular diseases and cancer detection. Our laboratory is certified by Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA ID#: 21D0923512), the College of American Pathologists (CAP ID#: 1351414) and the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (Permit Number 837).

Location: Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, University of Maryland Medical Center, 22 South Greene Street, Baltimore, MD 21201

For a complete menu of our diagnostic services, please click here. For additional information about the laboratory's diagnostic services, please contact Cynthia Hiltonbran or Dr. Richard Y. Zhao.                                               

Cynthia Hiltenbrand, M.S. MT(ASCP)
tel: (410) 328-9345
fax:(410) 328-3258
pager: (410) 328-2337, #4283
email: cglaser@umm.edu

University of Maryland Medical Center

Sanford A. Stass, M.D. Medical Director of Pathology Laboratories

Richard Y. Zhao, M.S., Ph.D.
tel: (410)328-0054
fax: (410)706-8623
pager: (410)938-0053
email: rzhao@som.umaryland.edu


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Last updated: 05/10/13

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